Effective and well-functioning EWCs in post – Covid era

About the project

The project aims to address the lack of employee involvement in designing and implementing company-level actions to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, with a specific focus on change management and post-COVID restructuring processes within the metal industry. The main objective is to enhance employee involvement in multinational companies (MNCs) across the European Union (EU), primarily by raising awareness and building the capacity of workers’ and employers’ representatives, as well as improving the effectiveness of European Works Councils (EWCs) in the post-pandemic economy.

The specific objectives are as follows:

  • Foster worker involvement in designing and implementing actions to address the impact of COVID-19 on the labor force. This will be supported through the development of evidence-based joint recommendations, delivery of inverted training sessions, and production of video tutorials that address key knowledge gaps.
  • Increase the involvement and effectiveness of EWCs in handling COVID-19-induced restructuring processes. This will be achieved through delivering inverted training, creating video tutorials, and developing an EWC assessment tool.
  • Strengthen transnational cooperation between employers and workers in defining and implementing concrete responses to the challenges posed to worker involvement by the COVID-19 pandemic. This will be accomplished through collaborative efforts to develop evidence-based recommendations and dissemination measures that reach partner countries.