Federation of Trade Unions of Metalworkers and Metallurgists in Poland
Federation of Trade Unions of Metalworkers and Metallurgists in Poland
Effective and well-functioning EWCs in post – Covid era
The project address the insufficient employee involvement in designing and implementing company-level actions to address the impact of the COVID-19,with a particular emphasis put on change management and post-Covid restructuring processes taking place in the metal industry.The main objective:develope employee involvement in MNCs across the EU,in particular by raised awareness and capacity of workers’ and employers’ representatives and improvement of effectiveness of work of EWCs in post-pandemic economy.
Posting of workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, current challenges, and future prospects
The project is focusing on the situation of posted workers in Europe enable companies to develop a deeper understanding and better manage the future of workforce mobility.The aim of this proposalis to outline the most visible and immediate impacts of the recent pandemic crisis on the manufacturing workers’ posting processby giving some critical and constructive reflection, from perspective of posted workers, companies, social partners, employers and stakeholders from sending and receiving countries. The circumstances and rules are changing very rapidly, it is crucial to research, analyse the existing states of the posting process and the assess the future developments.It is, however, important to observe the changes that have been noticed, so far, to provide a better understanding of the context in which we live and work.