EWC Mentors’ Effective Networking and Training Cooperation Reinforcement
Kick of meeting
The kick-off meeting was initiated by the project leader, who welcomed participants and provided a brief introduction to the project. Following this, partners introduced their respective organizations.
A presentation on the project objectives and a summary of previous studies was given by a representative from the Institute of Public Affairs. Partners then discussed strategies to utilize existing networks of EWC trainers to enhance the EWC Mentor program.
Key conclusions from studies on EWC were presented, focusing on perspectives from new EU member states and ongoing discussions on the Recast Directive on EWC.
A panel discussion among partners (trade unions and employers’ organizations) was held after a break, focusing on improving the effective operation of EWCs for mutual benefit.
The meeting concluded with a recap of next steps in the EWC Mentor project, particularly regarding training sessions. The project leader expressed gratitude to all participants for their contributions and engaging discussions.